Our school:
Lily Lane Primary School was built in 1904. We have around 650 children on roll, including a 60 place nursery. In addition to our classrooms, we have a music room, parent community room and a large outdoor area with a MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area).
We aim to provide a high standard of education within a caring and secure environment and we have a very committed and hard-working staff to help achieve this.
If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s education, please contact the office, or contact your child’s teacher via the school office
If you have any questions about our school, please do not hesitate to telephone or email. Please see the ‘Contact us’ page for details.
If you require any paper copies of the information on our school website, please get in touch with admin@lilylane.manchester.sch.uk or pop into school and we can provide them free of charge.
Parent View:
Please do have a look at what we do and how you can become involved in your child’s education. You can give your views on the school or view other parents views on Ofsted’s ‘Parent View’ website. Please click on the website address: www.parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/