Personal Development
What is Personal Development?
Personal development is a thread that runs through all areas of school life: PSHE lessons, the wider curriculum, assemblies, extra-curricular clubs etc.
What is the aim of Personal Development?
The aim of Personal Development is to enable children to become effective members of society, contributing to the wider community, with a strong moral compass. To achieve this, we equip children with the knowledge and understanding of the real world. The curriculum is about ensuring children can make positive decisions, in potentially difficult circumstances, which they may face in their lives. We want to create a curriculum that evokes curiosity in all children’s minds, with them knowing that they can make a positive difference in their community, and which provides opportunity to explore different viewpoints, including their own, on different social issues..
How else is Personal Development taught?
Within Personal Development it is an aim to use external speakers and resources to help deliver a range of sessions with our pupils throughout the year to ensure they are receiving expert support and information.
Guest speakers are invited to talk to the children and are often reflective of the Faiths and Cultural Diversity of our local community. We also promote Personal Development through trips and visits.
Children also have ample opportunity in extra-curricular activities and enrichment opportunities to demonstrate and apply the learning from the Personal Development work.
We offer:
-a wide range of school trips across the year groups, with residential experiences in Key Stage 2;
-a number of volunteering opportunities for children within the school. These include our School Councillors, School Prefects. These are some of the roles and responsibilities our Prefects carry out : Play Leaders, Reading buddies, supporting teachers before the start of school, ensuring there is Smart walking through out school.
-an ample range of after-school enrichment activities for all children – from Choir Club to Steel Pan club. We’re especially proud of our wide range of Sports clubs and partnership with School of Sport.
Across the school, our children reflect on the school values through much of their work. These are on display in every classroom: Resilience, Respect, Kindness, Empathy, Responsibility and Fairness. Alongside this, we also reflect on the fundamental British values: democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law, and mutual respect and tolerance for others.