English as an additional language

At Lily Lane Primary School we have a vision for all staff being aware of EAL needs, spoken language, language demands and required focused vocabulary, both for EAL and INA pupils.

We are also committed to being able to offer a curriculum which recognises the provision needed for the teaching of pupils for whom English is an additional language.

As a school we will value the diversity, culture, language and heritage of all pupils.

We aim to be inclusive and are striving for the use of key vocabulary, developing spoken language and understanding the language required to access the curriculum.


We have 620 pupils on roll (March 2023):

53% are PP pupils

35% of our pupils are EAL learners

32 different languages are spoken in our school

Flash Academy has been made available throughout KS1 and KS2.  This enables language support for many EAL pupils to make continued progress in developing their skills.